Xerox opnieuw nummer 1 in Quocirca’s MPS 2022 rapport

Quocirca, een wereldwijde onderzoeksbureau, heeft Xerox als “Leader in Managed Print Services” bestempeld in haar laatste rapport,  “Managed Print Services Market Landscape 2022 – a vendor analysis of the global MPS market”.  Xerox behaalt de eerste plaats ten opzichte van haar rechtstreekse concurrenten op vlak van zowel strategische visie als het totale pakket aangeboden diensten.

Het rapport vermeldt, “Xerox is one of the most established MPS vendors in the market, with the broadest capabilities across the cloud, digital workflow, security and analytics. Although it particularly stands out for its multivendor approach, a strong differentiator is its ConnectKey technology platform, which enables businesses to drive productivity and efficiencies across their document processes. Notably, Xerox was the first print vendor to achieve FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) accreditation, which standardises security assessment, authorisation and monitoring for cloud products and services.”

Download het rapport op onze XsolveIT Managed Print Services pagina

Lees ook het rapport van Quocirca omtrent Cloud Print services.