Xerox op de troon in Quocirca’s MPS 2023 rapport
Quocirca, een wereldwijde onderzoeksbureau, heeft Xerox opnieuw als “Leader in Managed Print Services” bestempeld in haar laatste rapport, “Managed Print Services Market 2023 – building a secure and sustainable workplace”.
Het rapport vermeldt, “Xerox has retained its leadership position in Quocirca’s assessment of the MPS market. Xerox particularly stands out for its data-driven approach to MPS, which is backed by comprehensive analytics, helping customers unlock opportunities to modernise their print infrastructure. Xerox is also among the first to enable its MPS platform with artificial intelligence (AI) technology and augmented reality (AR).”
Download het rapport op onze XsolveIT Managed Print Services pagina
Lees ook het rapport van Quocirca omtrent Cloud Print services.